This week is EnviroWeek across Australia.
Our school is celebrating Enviro Week by promoting a special activity each day. These are:
- Monday – Pledge Day. All students in the school will make a pledge to be more environmentally friendly.
- Tuesday – Nude Food Day. Students are encouraged to bring food and drinks that have no packaging.
- Wednesday – Earth Hour. At 2.30pm, classes will avoid using electricity.
- Thursday – Ride to School Day. Students travel actively to school instead of coming in cars.
- Friday – Open Garden. Parents are welcome to look at the grade four vegie gardens after assembly.
A student Enviro Team, led by Mr Burdess and Mr Harris, have helped to promote Enviro Week by making and displaying posters, writing articles for the school newsletter and making announcements at assembly.
The students below are the 4A and 4B members of the BHPS Enviro Team.
The students in 4A and 4B each made a pledge to be more sustainable in their everyday lives. You can read them all below.
Why is EnviroWeek an important event?
How can you be more environmentally friendly?